Not my best work, but I wanna save my answer in my own domain. came across this question on a Reddit forum.
Serious question. Technology has been "taking jobs" for as long as technology has existed. Why is it a bigger deal now than in the past?
Scale. Speed. And the relationship between function and purpose.
Human society rewards purpose driven effort. When technology robs Man of his ability to serve a purpose (any purpose) by doing it better, Man rebels through aggression.
The optimization of the economy was a humanitarian effort of generations far better than this one, but was also a recognition that without full employment elites would have nowhere to store capital or save places (globally) to live.
Concordantly, accelerating technological capacity beyond Man’s managerial acumen, or even a healthy balance in which Man still has agency is a bad idea.
Technology works the same way slaves do. As appliances. You push the button it blends your smoothie. You take your shit, it removes your chamber pot.
Slavery is immoral.*
And technology is turning most of Man into slaves.
Watch the matrix. That’ll give you a pretty good idea of the downsides to AI.
… I should have added "Hammer and nails are technology. Those created jobs rather than destroyed them.
❤️ you all -Berg
*beyond immoral, like downright unacceptable, and while it is usually a bad idea to even discuss it as to lend it validity as a topic rather than a perversion in polite society, I wanted to be concise, and more broadly I think it is important to be mindful of slavery rather than deny that it ever existed, merely because we find it offensive.