I was ready to quit today. It was a real pop an extra vyvanse, go to the gym and show up 15 minutes late to work kinda day. You know the kind. Where you're just at the end of your rope trying to get going on something and you start psyching yourself up to give them an ultimatum? Ego's a trap. I’ve been frustrated not able to get anywhere with the project my buddy wanted me to do. But in a shocking twist of events, the moment I got to the office they all started helping me get set up with stuff. They finally set me up with credentials and stuff that I need so now I’m contactable. I’ll believe it when I see it. which will hopefully be tomorrow. But now I can design [Proprietary prefix]-codes. That’s a good thing IMO.
I told one of my bosses about how to get a million scans. Basically I was gonna put a [proprietary prefix]-code of Kim Jong Un in front of the South Korean consulate and have it link to the his death scene in The Interview. I was strongly advised against it. Good thing I'm playing the work game in sandbox mode. I'm still a baby. I'll admit it. Who the fuck wants to like grow up? Like seriously.
Anyways… now the new plan is to bring the party on St. Paddy’s day.
Obv I’m gonna be the mascot at the parade. That’ll make it surreal. Especially since I’ve never been there before. But… I’ll be passing out merch. So I think it’ll go well.
I made a flow page for St Paddy’s. Of course it’s under [my boss]’s login. And it timed out so now I’m stuck unable to prune the page.
I’ll bug her and deal with it tomorrow. New episodes of You tonight.